admin1 – January 28, 2008 – 4:07pm

The Hague Tribunal cases are among the priorities for year 2008, Deputy Justice Minister Saso Vasilevski said in the interview for Dnevnik.

“If there is anything that can prove to the international community that the judicature in Macedonia is independent, it is the Hague Tribunal cases. There are still divided positions with regards to whether Macedonia’s judicature is not prepared for these cases or whether the Hague Tribunal does not want to return them to Macedonia. Macedonia is prepared and it can confront these cases. The Justice Ministry organizes training for the judges and prosecutors. It is not that these judges and prosecutors do not know how to work; there are certain norms and regulations that have to be observed in such cases. From an expert point of view, there are no obstacles to these cases being tried in Macedonia. It is a completely different issue whether we can work on these cases from a political aspect,” Vasilevski said.