admin1 – January 30, 2008 – 2:46pm

Continue with the political dialogue, the reforms, and the current positive atmosphere, because this way you will ensure that year 2008 is a year of success, Slovenian Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant, French Ambassador Bernard Valero, and EU Ambassador Erwan Fouere advised at their meeting with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski yesterday.

"Don't miss this chance because you have to resolve two major issues: an invitation for membership in NATO and a date for start of the negotiations with the EU. You also have to start the dialogue regarding the visa regime," Bergant said.

Deputy Prime Ministers Zoran Stavrevski, Imer Aliu, and Gabriela Konevska-Trajkovska, as well as Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki and Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, also attended the meeting with these three ambassadors and the ambassadors of the other EU member countries. The ministers presented the results in the process for Macedonia's accession to the EU.

Fouere said that yesterday's meeting was an opportunity to encourage the Government.