admin1 – March 20, 2007 – 3:04pm

The US Embassy in Macedonia said yesterday that Washington is not changing its policy as regards Macedonia's constitutional name, stressing that they support the talks that are led under the auspices of the UN in New York. But despite such cemented position of the embassy, disturbing reports are coming from the United States. According to these reports, the Senate's resolution has to be technically harmonized with the resolution that was previously adopted by the House of Representatives, and these two will then be converted into one text, a law that will be signed by the president of the United States.

Macedonian Ambassador to the United States Zoran Jolevski confirmed yesterday that the resolution that carries the term FYROM is not binding for the US administration and that it is just a recommendation that President George Bush will decide whether or not to sign. He said that four such resolutions had been adopted so far, but that only one was signed by the US president.