admin1 – May 17, 2007 – 9:56am

Europe expects BDI to return to the Assembly as soon as possible. The European Union feels that there is no need for now to respond positively to BDI's request that it serves as facilitator or arbitrator in the political dialogue between BDI and VMRO-DPMNE.

"The European Commission welcomes the progress in the political dialogue over the last few weeks and it encourages BDI to return to the Assembly. This is the best platform from which one can represent and defend their political positions," European Commission Spokesman Amadeu Altafaj said yesterday following the talks with the BDI delegation.

A European diplomatic source confirmed for "Dnevnik" that the BDI delegation was advised to convey to party leader Ali Ahmeti their message that problems are best resolved in the state institutions.

Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki, who was also in Brussels, said that the Government is prepared to draft a joint statement with BDI in which they would state that all issues could be opened, but without a previously guaranteed resolution. "This document could state that the discussion on a special law for the languages would end with a document that covers this issue, but which would be within the frames of the Constitution and Framework Agreement. As regards the demanded pensions for the former NLA members, we believe that the amnesty was a big concession and that it might have been ratified too soon. Pensions are demanded in conditions when there are not enough funds. However, we have understanding for the disabled individuals who should receive help to resocialize," Milososki said.