admin1 – August 3, 2007 – 10:36am

Ilinden celebration at Krusevo

Macedonia's national holiday of Ilinden was celebrated at Pelince and Meckin kamen, Krusevo. All media comment that VMRO-DPMNE's supporters gathered at Krusevo while those of SDSM rallied at Pelince.

In front of some 10,000 citizens in Krusevo, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski appealed for bridging of political differences and fighting for success.  The crowds greeted with ovations Prime Minister Gruevski's arrival and booed President Crvenkovski's delegation. Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Prime Minister Imer Selmani, Parliament Speaker Ljubisa Georgievski and a part of the diplomatic corps attended the celebration in Krusevo.

At the commemoration at Pelince, Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski said before SDSM supporters that there must not be two Macedonias and that Macedonia's integration with the EU and NATO depended only on us.