admin1 – August 14, 2007 – 1:24pm

Western diplomats warn that possible division of Kosovo could reactivate the rebellion of the ethnic Albanians in the Presevo valley in southern Serbia and in neighboring Macedonia, Utrinski Vesnik cites Reuters.

Macedonian experts comment that division of Kosovo is not a good resolution for this province or for Macedonia. Dnevnik reports that the Macedonian Government does not have an official statement regarding the information on possible division of Kosovo and the consequences that this could have on Macedonia. Government Spokesman Ivica Bocevski said briefly that the Foreign Ministry is following the situation in Kosovo closely. Foreign Ministry sources stressed once again that Macedonia is not part of the Kosovo issue. "As a neighboring country, we are convinced that the three fundamental principles contained in Martti Ahtisaari's plan, which received the support of the entire European Union, are a good basis for the talks on the final status of Kosovo," sources from the Foreign Ministry said.