admin1 – September 26, 2007 – 11:42am

The parliamentarians of the Albanian parties were engaged in a physical fight in the Parliament yesterday, the media report. Dnevnik reports that BDI parliamentarian Sadula Duraku hit PPD leader Abdylhadi Vejseli and then entered into a fight with Ruzhdi Matoshi from PDSH.

Dnevnik writes that PDSH leader Menduh Thaci choked BDI Deputy Chairwoman Teuta Arifi and threatened her that they "will not come out of the Assembly alive". The noticeably shaken Teuta Arifi received medical assistance in the assembly clinic. Lirim Dulovi, journalist of A1 Television, was attacked by BDI security guards in the Assembly. The Alsat TV crew was detained because they tried to record this incident. This provoked anger among the policemen, who asked the TV crew to give them the recording and erase the same, A1 and Utrinski Vesnik reported.