admin1 – December 7, 2007 – 12:12pm

Macedonia asked Serbia for an explanation for Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic's shameful use of the abbreviation FYROM. But the Macedonian Government does not intend to make a big commotion over this issue because it understands Serbia's nervousness regarding the status of Kosovo.

"We summoned the Serbian ambassador today to point to the inappropriate conduct of their representative at a time when EU officials have no problem referring to us with the name Macedonia. This is the manner in which remarks and protests are stressed," Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki said yesterday. He stressed that he is not afraid of Belgrade's messages that they would not forget who supported them with regards to Kosovo.

"I think that Serbia is in a difficult position, which we understand, and we are trying to approach the problem that they are facing in the most appropriate way," Milososki stated.