admin1 – March 12, 2008 – 2:11pm

The United States is preparing a new package for resolving of the name dispute that will include the last proposal of UN mediator Matthew Nimetz, Vreme has learned from diplomatic sources. American diplomats are holding intensive talks with the Macedonian and Greek Governments to ensure that the final proposal is acceptable to both sides. Vreme’s sources say that the U.S. Administration still does not know what this package – which will be presented a few days before the NATO Summit in Bucharest – will contain. American experts are also involved in the preparing of this proposal. The United States decided to take such step after the two sides rejected UN mediator Matthew Nimetz’s proposal. But the diplomatic sources stressed that the new package would be based precisely on Nimetz’s last proposal.

The next round of talks on the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece most probably will be held in Geneva on 17 March.