admin1 – June 4, 2008 – 9:53am

The State Election Commission decided late Tuesday evening to cancel the voting in 25 polling places in three constituencies. The voting was cancelled in 11 polling places in the second constituency and in eight polling places in the sixth constituency, and the voting will be repeated in these polling places. The voting was also cancelled in six polling places in the first constituency, but the State Election Commission will decide on 15 June whether the voting will be repeated in these polling places.

A total of 58 complaints about the elections were submitted to the State Election Commission by 19:00 o’clock on Tuesday. BDI submitted 13 complaints, VMRO-DPMNE filed 28 complaints, 15 were submitted by PDSH, while “Sun – Coalition for Europe” and Permanent Macedonian Radical Unification (TMRO) filed one complaint each.