admin1 – June 6, 2008 – 11:54am

The State Election Commission voided the vote in 68 polling stations in the first, second and sixth electoral units.

In the words of the Commission's spokesman, Zoran Tanevski, based on complaints from the Democratic Party of Albanians (PDSH), the Commission annulled the vote in 13 polling stations, or more specifically, in 2133 in Jegunovce, 821 and 829 in Zajas, 502 in Gostivar, 785, 790, 791, 792, 793 and 796 in Oslomej, 1101 in Kumanovo, 2473 in Cucer Sandevo and 2890 in Cair.

Based on the complaints of the VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition, the vote was voided in 48 polling stations, six of which (2884,2885, 2886, 2887, 2888 and 2889) in Cair, 19 (1105, 1106, 1108-1121, 1124, 1125 and 1129) in Lipkovo, 19 (1938, 1939, 1940, 1953, 1985- 1996, 2000, 2001 and 2002) in Tetovo, 2 (2067 and 2068) in Bogovinje and 2 (821 and 828) in Zajas.

The Election Commission has started considering the complaints submitted by the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI). Based on the produced evidence, the vote in the polling station 2126 in Jegunovce and six other polling stations in Vrapciste was voided. The meeting ended at 2 o'clock this morning and its follow-up is set to begin at 11.00 o'clock today.

If those who submitted the complaints are not satisfied with the decision of the State Election Commission they have the right to appeal against it with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia within 48 hours of receiving the Commission's decision.

Previously, in keeping with the law, due to a vote suspension of more than three hours, the vote was voided in 25 polling stations, six of which are in the municipality of Saraj in the first electoral unit. In the second electoral unit the vote was voided in 11 polling stations in the municipalities of Cucer Sandevo, Aracinovo and Kumanovo. In the sixth electoral unit the vote was voided in eight polling stations in Debar, Zelino, Brvenica and Gostivar.