Gruevski receives support from the European right-wing parties
admin1 – June 20, 2008 – 9:54am

- Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski received support from the European right-wing parties in Brussels as regards Macedonia's date for starting accession talks. This support should be included in the conclusions of the EU summit that started late last night. Utrinski vesnik says Gruevski talked with Angela Merkel, Silvio Berlusconi, Janez Jansa and other leaders, but not with Kostas Karamanlis. Gruevski said there was a strong attempt to give Macedonia an encouraging message from a number of countries that want the name issue to be resolved during the Slovenian presidency of the EU. According to unofficial information, Brussels fears that the Greek behavior may become a model for the region and that in the future the Balkan countries would constantly block each other.