admin1 – July 9, 2008 – 12:43pm


Macedonia was not able to find a mutually acceptable resolution for the name dispute with Greece by today, 9 July, as a result of which only Croatia and Albania will sign accession agreements in the NATO Head Office in Brussels today. As a result of Greece’s obstructions, the strategic Adriatic Charter, on which NATO experts worked meticulously for years, was destroyed. As is well known, a new condition for accession to NATO – resolving of the name dispute – was set at the summit in Bucharest, despite the fact that Macedonia fulfilled all the necessary criteria.


The Macedonian media underline that the question asked now is when could Macedonia become a member of NATO – will it have to wait for the next summit to be extended an invitation for membership or can the state receive an invitation at one of the regular meetings of the NATO ministers and ambassadors.