admin1 – September 4, 2008 – 1:47pm

Macedonia informed the European Union yesterday about the laws ratified so far, hoping to receive a positive report and a date for start of the negotiations for membership. Brussels wants these laws to be implemented, it wants political and reform progress, and it wants a compromise with Greece. This is the message that the three-member Macedonian parliamentary delegation received in Brussels yesterday.

Petar Pop Arsov from VMRO-DPMNE, Hajrula Misini from BDI, and Vlado Buckovski from SDSM spoke with their colleagues from the European Parliament: Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, chairman of the European Parliament Committee of Foreign Affairs; Doris Pack, Bernd Posselt, and Anna Ibrisagic from the Christian Democrats; Johannes Swoboda from the Socialist Group; Jelko Kacin from the Group of Liberals; and Erik Meijer, rapporteur on Macedonia from the European left.