Macedonia celebrates 17th independence anniversary
admin1 – September 8, 2008 – 12:53pm

MKflagSkopje, September 8 (MIA) – The Republic of Macedonia celebrates its 17th anniversary since the successful referendum, at which Macedonian citizens voted for independent and sovereign state.

A convincing majority exceeding 95 percent of citizens who came out at the referendum on September 8, 1991 responded positively at the referendum question - Are you in favor of independent Macedonia with the right of its accession in a future alliance of sovereign Yugoslav states?

The results from the referendum were preceded by the adopted Declaration for Independence at the first multi party Macedonian Parliament on January 25, 1991.

The will of the people for independent state was confirmed with the declaration for acceptance of the results from the referendum on September 18, 1991 at the Macedonian Parliament.


The next important step in strengthening of the state was the adoption of the Constitution on November 17, 1991, which was supplemented after the 2001 conflict and signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement.

The international-legal status of the state was definitely confirmed by an acclamation of the United Nations General Assembly on April 8, 1993, when Macedonia was admitted as the 181st full-fledged UN member. However, due to Greece's opposition and pressure regarding the constitutional name, the UN accession was carried out under interim reference Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Talks for overcoming of the name dispute are still ongoing under UN auspices.