admin1 – March 22, 2009 – 10:30am

A total of 93 polling places in 23 municipalities have still not been opened in Mace-donia due to inaccessibility of the roads. State Election Commission Spokesman Zoran Ta-nevski informed that no other problems have been registered so far. He stressed that, ac-cording to the law, all polling places must open by 10:00 o’clock.

The fourth presidential election and fifth local elections are being held in Macedonia today. The 1,792,082 registered voters will cast their ballots at 2,976 polling places for one of the seven presidential candidates: New Democracy candidate Imer Selmani, PDSH can-didate Mirushe Hoxha, LDP candidate Nano Ruzin, VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gjorgje Ivanov, independent candidate Ljube Boskoski, BDI candidate Agron Buxhaku, and SDSM candidate Ljubomir Frckoski. Citizens will also vote for representatives of the local self-governments in 84 municipalities and the City of Skopje where a total of 365 candidates for mayors and approximately 700 lists of candidates for councillors have been nominated.

The voting started at 07:00 and will end at 19:00. A total of 529 internally displaced persons in Kumanovo and Skopje, 1,971 prisoners, and the sick and frail voted on Satur-day.

The presidential and local elections are monitored by 524 foreign and 6,981 domes-tic monitors.