admin1 – March 26, 2009 – 2:55pm

SDSM started direct negotiations with Ljube Boskoski and Imer Selmani for support in the second round of the presidential election, while VMRO-DPMNE and BDI are close to reaching an agreement on cooperation in the second round of the presidential and local elections.
Sources from the President's Cabinet stated unofficially that Boskoski and President Branko Crvenkovski held a meeting on Wednesday. The meeting was held at the request of Boskoski, who wanted to inform Crvenkovski about his future plans and about his impressions from the election campaign and the elections. The sources from the President's Cabinet say that there was no talk about Boskoski calling on his voters to vote for SDSM presidential candidate Ljubomir Frckoski. Boskoski's Election Headquarters did not say anything about this meeting.
BDI confirmed that VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski and BDI Chairman Ali Ahmeti reached a preliminary agreement at their meeting on Tuesday evening on mutual support at the local elections.