admin1 – April 1, 2009 – 2:21pm
meeting of the leaders of largest parties

The leaders of the three biggest parliamentary parties from the Government and opposition, who held a meeting on Tuesday, called on citizens to come out and vote in large number at the presidential and local elections on Sunday.

"I expect the elections to be at least as successful as the first round of the voting so that the state secures success through fair, democratic, and peaceful elections. The institutions will be fully prepared and no one will be allowed to cause problems that will cause harm to the state's future," Prime Minister and VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski said.

SDSM acting Chairman Zoran Zaev called on citizens to refrain from being drawn into incidents. The Republic of Macedonia must and should elect a president of the state, he stressed. BDI Chairman Ali Ahmeti also called on citizens to come out and vote in large number, but he refused to say whether his party will support the VMRO-DPMNE candidates. He repeated that the coalition between the two parties is functioning well, adding that this cooperation would be intensified at local level.