admin1 – April 5, 2009 – 1:57pm

Aleksandar Novakovski, president of the State Election Commission (DIK), informed at the second press conference today that the voter turnout in the second round of the presidential election by 13:00 o'clock was 19.53 percent or 310,818 citizens. In the first round of the presidential election, the voter turnout by 13:00 was 26.24 percent.
The voter turnout by 13:00 o'clock in the second round of the local elections in 43 municipalities, where mayors were not elected in the first round of the elections, was 24.44 percent or 240,997 voters. In Skopje, the voter turnout by 13:00 was 20.46 percent or 89,721 citizens. In the first round of the local elections, the voter turnout in Skopje by 13:00 o'clock was 24.06 percent.
Officially, the voting is held in good order and in a peaceful atmosphere. DIK informed that they received a report from the Party for European Future on minor irregularities in the voting process in Struga and DIK is currently checking these reports. Novakovski informed that DIK working groups would visit Struga and a few other polling places to check the situation. DIK will hold its next press conference at 18:00 o’clock.
