admin1 – July 9, 2009 – 9:33am

Education Minister Pero Stojanovski and Agriculture Minister Aco Spasenoski resigned their offices Wednesday. Notices of resignation were tendered also by Hristijan Delev, Deputy Agriculture Minister, and Stojan Todorov, Secretary General in the Government. The paper learned that Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski dismissed Finance Minister Trajko Slaveski.

Ljupco Dimovski will be the new agriculture minister. He has thus far served as Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications. Dimovski is economist and is from the ranks of the Socialist Party.

Nikola Todorov will be the new education minister. He has graduated from the Faculty of Law and served as director of the Skopje cadastre.

Vladimir Pesevski, will be the new deputy prime minister for economic affairs. He has thus far been director of the SEAF Macedonia Fund and director of the U.S. Chamber in Macedonia. Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski will be minister of finance.

Former Education Minister Pero Stojanovski said he resigned, because he failed to remove politics from education. The paper comments that the rows at the Tetovo university, the interethnic fights in the Niko Nestor high school in Struga, as well as the pressure for opening new Albanian-language classes at the secondary medi-cal school in Skopje made Stojanovski resign.