admin1 – July 20, 2009 – 1:46pm
International Court of Justice in The Hague


In accordance with the Order of the International Court of 20 January 2009, fixing 20 July 2009 as the time-limit for the filing of pleadings, the Republic of Macedonia has today filed its Memorial in the case that it brought against Greece on 17 November 2008, said the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Greece will now have until 20 January 2009 to file its Counter-Memorial. The Court has left open the procedure that will be followed after that date.

In accordance with the rules of the Court, the written pleadings remain confidential until the opening of any oral hearings.

The Memorial was submitted to the Registrar of the Court by Ambassador, Nikola Dimitrov, the Co-Agent for the Republic of Macedonia.  

"We welcome the opportunity to submit our Memorial with the Court, a body for which we have the greatest respect as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The next stage will be for Greece to file its Counter-Memorial, which it must do before 20 January 2010. After that date the Court will consult with the Parties and decide on the procedure that will then be followed. Our team has worked efficiently in preparing this Memorial, and I take the opportunity to thank all those who have assisted, in Macedonia as well as our outside experts, for their commitment and support," Ambassador Dimitrov said.