admin1 – September 22, 2009 – 12:44pm

The leadership of the MANU, following the four-day long strong reactions to the Encyclopedia, refused to comment the protests in front of its building. Daily UTRINSKI VESNIK published today that the sources from the Macedonian Academy are categorical that the Encyclopedia will not be withdrawn. "We did not print the Encyclopedia to withdraw and reprint it," editor-in-chief Blaze Ristovski says. "We will make e second edition and there is no need for reprinting the first edition only upon the request of some so-called politicians or political parties. We are a scientific institution that is absorbing all the scientific staff in the state. We want to elaborate Macedonia from all the aspects, and not just the historical or cultural and language aspects, and therefore we wanted everything that was relevant to find its place in these bindings, for which we had engaged the most authorized staff. In the role of editor-in-chief, I am not authorized in all the fields, but this is why we engaged people who can say the last word," Ristovski emphasizes.