admin1 – September 25, 2009 – 2:14pm

Thursday's assembly session dedicated to parliamentarians' questions to the government members passed in an argument over the Macedonian Encyclopedia. SDSM parliamentarian Vlado Buckovski called Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski to account for the publishing of this encyclopedia, bearing in mind the fact that the prime minister promoted this publication. Buckovski assessed that the encyclopedia was prepared in a dilettantish manner, as reports from the Macedonian dailies were used as a source for the paragraph that states, "There were American and British special-forces members and sponsors in the camps of the National Liberation Army". He warned that this encyclopedia caused most damage to Macedonia's strategic partnership with Great Britain and the United States of America.

Gruevski responded that the work on and financing of the encyclopedia started six years ago, noting that MANU (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts) is an independent institution that publishes its works without the influence of any government. "Neither the Government nor I ever thought about interfering in any scholarly work, let alone the encyclopedia, as politicians and parties do not belong there," the prime minister stressed.