admin1 – September 30, 2009 – 3:14pm

Intellectuals and political parties from the Macedonian and Albanian political blocs, as well as international community representatives in the country, condemned the burning of the Macedonian flag in Pristina, assessing this as an unacceptable act that builds up tension. They all accentuate that all problems related to the recently published Macedonian Encyclopedia should be resolved through the institutions.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and his coalition partner BDI leader Ali Ahmeti stated at their meeting on Tuesday that the case concerning the Macedonian Encyclopedia “must not affect the positive interethnic relations in Macedonia and the state’s Euro-Atlantic perspectives”. The government statement notes, “The government partners will not let a single individual, be it a politician or citizen, misuse such events to disrupt interethnic coexistence. The government partners will invest effort to resolve this situation”. Gruevski and Ahmeti concluded, “All problems must be resolved through dialogue, mutual respect, and appreciation, and joint effort should be invested to eradicate all controversies and suspicions”. The statement emphasizes, “Both leaders express regret for the insults and disputed sections in the encyclopedia, and they call on the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) to resolve the open issues”. “The Government is working intensely on its long-term perspectives and objectives, and it
will not allow any obstructions on this path. It will protect the state and national interests with devotion,” the statement stresses.