admin1 – May 19, 2010 – 2:34pm
The Hague Tribunal

The Hague Tribunal Appeals Chamber dismissed Wednesday the appeal of Johan Tarculovski regarding the 12-year prison sentence over case "Ljuboten" and with this the court judgments for this case are final. Johan Tarculovski calmly took in the confirmation of the prison sentence but tears filled his eyes when he saw members of his family and friends in the courtroom that sent him off with applause. The court also dismissed the appeal of the prosecution regarding the acquittal of former Minister of Interior Ljube Boskoski. Tarculovski’s lawyer Nathan Dershowitz is appalled by the Tribunal’s decision. After serving two thirds of his sentence, that is three years, Tarculovski can demand his sentence to be reduced.   The Trial Chamber found Tarculovski guilty in 2008 and sentenced him to 12 years imprisonment. Johan Tarculovski has been in the Scheveningen prison since 2005.