admin1 – June 11, 2010 – 12:39pm

Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki believes that at the Summit of the EU in Luxembourg, the members of the Union will know how to take the best decision with regard to the setting of a date for opening accession talks between Macedonia and the EU. He expects Greece to make more effort to become aware of the true interests of the EU and realize that the talks with Macedonia are going to benefit both Greece and the whole Balkans.

“The majority of the countries argue for Macedonia to get what it really deserves. Greece should not use its bilateral problems related to what is happening in the country as an excuse to block the political verification of the EC recommendation,” Minister Milososki said after addressing the Permanent Committee of the OSCE in Vienna.

In his view, the support for the start of accession talks between Macedonia and the EU will also be crucial support for creating much better conditions for overcoming the bilateral dispute.

“If we have bilateral talks in which both parties are committed to scoring a result that could be translated into a compromise in both Macedonian and Greek, then I think the block may damage that process and those efforts,” Milososki said.