admin1 – June 16, 2010 – 3:53pm

If Macedonia had obtained a date for accession negotiations, this would have had a positive effect on the atmosphere in the context of relations with Greece, but also in the context of EU enlargement and Macedonia's motivation to invest increased efforts for settlement of the long-standing bilateral dispute, said Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki regarding the outcome of Tuesday's meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg.

Foreign Minister Milososki regrets that the EU once again did not gather strength to put aside the bilateral disputes that are misused in regional or global context. According to Milososki, Macedonia is faced with unreasonable pressure to give up the natural and fundamental right to choose its name, but it is practically impossible to reach a solution, which would contain only the position of one side, under pressure, said Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki.

At the meeting in Luxembourg, it was accepted Macedonia's issue involving a date for entry talks to be discussed at a ministerial meeting in late July, the first month of Belgium's EU presidency.

On the other hand, on Tuesday Greek Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitris Droutsas in Luxembourg said that Macedonia and Greece have never been closer to a final solution to the name issue than in this period.