admin1 – June 22, 2010 – 12:47pm

The name issue between Greece and Macedonia is unworthy but its resolution requires negotiation instead of waiting for external solution. That solution will have to be accepted also by the citizens of both countries, said Czech President Vaclav Klaus, who is paying his first official visit to Macedonia.

President Gjorge Ivanov reiterated the stand that Macedonia was ready for a mutually acceptable solution that would not affect the Macedonian identity, language and dignity.

“However illogical, incomprehensible and in conflict with all international principles, the problem Greece has with our name is setting us obstructions and our integration into NATO and the EU is blocked. We are ready to find a solution that will be mutually acceptable and will not affect our identity, language and dignity. We need to reach a compromise where there will be no winners and losers,” President Ivanov said.

In his view, the solution will have to be accepted by the citizens of the two countries as well considering that otherwise it will create many more problems.