admin1 – June 29, 2010 – 1:41pm

Are there any real chances for Macedonia to have early parliamentary elections next year or is this but a wish of the opposition front not likely to come true? This dilemma was imposed by SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski who said at the rally Sunday that he would call for an early election regardless of whether the name issue is resolved. According to unconfirmed information, Crvenkovski’s confidence that there would be an early election next year is a result of an agreement with BDI leader Ali Ahmeti. Both parties deny there is such an agreement yet confirm that at the meetings of the two leaders this issue was tabled too.

Crvenkovski challenged Gruevski to an early election at the rally Sunday. He said the way out of the dead end was dissolving the Parliament in November no matter the outcome of the NATO summit and irrespective of whether there would be a solution to the name issue or not, Dnevnik reports.

“Tonight we are starting our battle for an early election. We are a responsible party and we are not going to do anything to harm national and state interests. Elections before November would be fatal for the country’s future. But whatever the outcome of the NATO summit and regardless of whether the talks with Greece are successful, in November we are going to demand that the Parliament dissolve and an early election be called. Let people decide what kind of Macedonia – a winner or a loser - they want,” Crvenkovski said.