admin1 – July 13, 2010 – 1:11pm

Macedonia is a geopolitical balance in the region, says Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki in an interview with the Serbian daily newspaper Vecernje novosti. He is confident that the countries of the Western Balkans are making sufficient effort on their way to the EU yet he has the impression that the in a part of the Union there is fatigue of the enlargement.

“We are heading toward the EU but it is a great dilemma if the EU is heading toward us. Until 10 years ago, the enlargement was a step from both sides. Now we have the feeling that, at least with some countries of the EU and in some corridors of the European architecture, fatigue of the enlargement prevails. However, if we speak in a single voice, perhaps we can draw more attention,” Minister Milososki believes.

He speaks about the injustice of the Greek block against Macedonia that prevents opening of EU membership negotiations. In this way, according to him, Greece shows it is still unprepared to be the locomotive of the European integration in the region.