admin1 – July 15, 2010 – 2:52pm

“In Macedonia there is no Euro-skepticism but Euro-enthusiasm,” Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Vasko Naumovski said Wednesday in view of the results of the opinion poll ordered by the Secretariat for European Affairs, raising the question of whether Euro-skepticism in Macedonia is on the rise.

He mentioned in that regard a number of EU member states where the Eurobarometer surveys of whether the EU was a good thing revealed a much lower percentage of support than the Macedonian 66 percent.

“Macedonians realize that the membership is something good and something that should happen very soon and they know that Macedonia deserved to open accession talks and also know why this has been delayed,” Naumovski said.

British Ambassador to Macedonia Andrew Key said that he heard of Euro-skepticism in Britain but not in Macedonia.

“In Macedonia I hear of support and a great desire for that goal,” Ambassador Key said, adding that for this to happen, reforms should continue.