admin1 – October 12, 2010 – 1:41pm

Macedonia is the first country that the International Monetary Fund has offered a credit line of 400 million euro with a low interest rate. This line presents a new instrument that is intended for countries with stable economic policies. The Ministry of Finance informed that the funds from the new credit line will be additionally discussed. At the meetings that Finance Minister Stavreski held in Washington with representatives of the IMF and World Bank, Macedonia was promised a credit line of 150 to 200 million euros from the World Bank depending on projects agreed. As the Ministry of Finance informs, the World Bank will support projects in Macedonia, primarily in the energy sector. Finance Minister Stavreski expressed satisfaction by the way in which Macedonia’s delegation was welcomed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, emphasizing that both institutions gave positive remarks on the quality of the economic policies and the results that Macedonia achieved in times of crisis with which the
stability of economy was preserved.