admin1 – October 13, 2010 – 10:34am

The Greek Government is upset by the latest proposal of Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki, who stated that Macedonia should start the EU negotiation talks under the interim reference FYROM and the eventual compromise name to apply when getting admitted to the EU. Greek newspaper Kathimerini says that sources of the Greek Government appealed Skopje to stop with the political maneuvers and focus on the negotiation talks under the auspices of the United Nations. Sources also told Kathimerini that there cannot be any negotiations between Macedonia and the EU without a name solution.

Over 80 percent of the citizens of Macedonia would support the country's accession to the European Union and NATO if a referendum on the matter was to be held next week. However, 72 percent of 1,100 respondents do not agree for the country to change its name in order to become part of the Euro-Atlantic institutions, even if certain proposal enjoys the support of all parliamentary parties, showed the latest poll of Institute Dimitrija Cupovski.

If the Macedonian government wishes to join the NATO and EU, my advice is to do this through use of interim agreement, first mediator in the Greece-Macedonia name dispute ambassador Robin O'Neil, recommends in the interview with programme “Voice of people.” O’Neil stressed that Macedonian government should remind the rest of the countries for existence of the Article 11 from the Interim Accord that opens the door to Macedonia towards NATO and EU membership under FYROM reference and that this document is obligatory both for Macedonia and Greece.

According to O’Neal, the claims of NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen that interim agreement cannot be used are not supportive because all NATO decisions are passed by consensus.