admin1 – October 15, 2010 – 10:59am

The administration of US President Barack Obama to put pressure on NATO to admit Macedonia at the Alliance’s Summit in November. This is said in the analysis of the US Institute for Policy Studies “Heritage Foundation”, A1 reports.  

The text, written by analysts Sally McNamara and Morgan Roach, reads that the US support for Macedonia’s NATO membership is not enough and this is why Obama’s administration must push Greece, through diplomatic channels, for Macedonia’s accession to NATO at the Summit in Lisbon.

“The Administration will have to use its diplomatic channels in Europe, in concert with U.S. representatives in Athens, to increase international pressure on Greece to resolve this matter expeditiously. Significant diplomatic pressure will have to be applied on Athens by Europe as well, especially France and Germany, and the U.S. should ask Berlin and Paris to make this issue a priority for the summit,” reads the Heritage foundation analysis.

According to the analysis, Macedonia should join the Alliance in accordance to the Interim Accord from 1995 and it should resume the negotiation talks for the name dispute in parallel within the frames of the United Nations.

“Since its inception, the NATO enlargement has proven to be a hallmark of European integration, and Macedonia has more than earned its place in the alliance. The U.S. and key European allies including Britain, France, and Germany should stand by their friends and intensify its efforts to ensure that Skopje’s place at the table is no longer unfairly blocked,” reads the analysis.

Analysts of the Heritage Foundation give a complete review of Macedonia’s activities contented to its integration in the Alliance, starting with the country’s participation in the Peace Partnership and in the peace mission headed by the US, describing Macedonia exporter of security instead of consumer.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative institute for policy research, established in 1973, headquartered in Washington.