admin1 – October 18, 2010 – 2:10pm

The lustration process prompted a verbal war between BDI and PDSH that are ach day accusing that functionaries from the opposite party have collaborated with the secret services. The situation worsened after professor at Tetovo’s State University Shpend Ljushi submitted files on three BDI officials under the pseudonyms Uncle, Bowman and Mama to the Lustration Commission, which he had found in his yard, writes Dnevnik.

BDI MP Talat Xhaferi assessed Sunday that the accusations that there are informers in his party are culmination of the political war that PDSH leads against NLA.

“PDSH declared the 2001 war as national treason and its members as traitors. PDSH fabricated theories that NLA was a product of Macedonian or Serbian secret services. Over the last nine years, they have vested their entire energy to discredit NLA’s achievements. The discredit of the most important history of the Albanian people in Macedonia was and will remain an objective of the anti-Albanian circles and it is no longer important from which center they operate,” said Xhaferi.

He stressed that with this, PDSH confirmed the statement of a former Interior Minister – that PDSH is a product of the secret services. 

“Shpent Vehapi-Ligushi did this as well. We treat the data, that Ligushi submitted to the Commission and media, as counterfeit aiming to present the victim of collaborators of the services, namely the Albanians, as their collaborators. This counterfeit came from the kitchen, supervised by the “duke” and supported by the collaborators of the state security, such as Hisen and Rexhep Musliu, former state security chiefs for Tetovo, Gostivar and Kicevo and now security counselors to the “duke,” said Xhaferi. He added that they expect PDSH to resume “fabricating new documents on BDI informers”.

PDSH on Monday immediately responded that “it is more than obvious that persons from BDI were Serbian spies, who with various tasks caused physical and psychic damage to Albanians”.

“BDI’s whining and squalling is ridiculous. The truth is that Mama, Bowman, Uncle, Drim, the person with a file of “13 pages” and another person whose file will be released in the upcoming days, participated in liquidating the brothers Gervala and Kadri Zeka.