admin1 – October 19, 2010 – 1:56pm

The lustration committee opened a debate Monday and entered into a procedure the files kept under the names “Uncle”, “Mom” and “Shooter” provided last week by Shpend Lusi, professor at the State Tetovo University. The lustration committee is going to call for assistance from the relevant home authorities in making sure that the files are authentic.

The three files pertain to three party and state functionaries from BDI that cooperated with the secret services KOS and SDB (State Security Office) in the 1980s. The investigation leads directly to Belgrade considering that according to the stamps it can be inferred that they derive from the former Federal Secretariat of Foreign Affairs and the SDB of the Serbian Interior Ministry, Dnevnik reports.

“As for all other documents, a procedure has been opened for these files too. We called for help from all institutions to determine if these are original documents and check the validity of their contents. In order to do that they will probably have to use all their channels of cooperation with counterpart institutions,” says Tome Adziev, president of the lustration committee.

The committee is going to turn to Professor Lusi too to check If he has the originals which is hardly likely considering that he emphasized he found them in his own yard. It is a matter of question how the relevant institutions are going to establish cooperation with their Serb counterparts considering the delicacy of the files and the fact that they are still considered a state secret.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski encouraged Monday the relevant institutions to request the Belgrade files.

“The lustration committee is the most competent to set the guidelines as to what should be done,” he said.