admin1 – November 2, 2010 – 1:45pm

After the files about the leaders of BDI, various sources announce new informant files about Macedonian functionaries from the current and previous system including incumbent functionaries of VMRO-DPMNE.

The state lustration commission has already issued decisions to MPs and ministers confirming that they had not collaborated with former secret services. However, it is ever more speculated that there are files about functionaries of the governing party. Even in the procedure before the lustration commission, some of the governing MPs saved themselves with a revote of the commission members, while the opposition said a deal had been entered between VMRO-DPMNE and BDI for protection of their functionaries.

Former interior minister Pavle Trajanov has recently said that a group of former police functionaries have been compiling a list of collaborators of the services filling political offices and being subject to the process of lustration.

“I can’t predict when they will come out but it is said that files about the functionaries of other political parties will soon be disclosed too. Some of them are former functionaries and others are still holding public offices. Of course, those who plan to do this are going to wait for the right moment so that the disclosure of the files produces the best effect,” Trajanov explains.

The former member of the Security and Counter-intelligence Office, Janko Bacev, says that it is normal to expect the files about the collaborators of the services that fill offices now to be brought to light because, in his opinion, the lustration commission does not want to do its job.

“There is a wealth of government functionaries that cooperated with the services. There are at least three in the Government, at least two are advisors to President Gjorge Ivanov and about a dozen are corporate directors from the second echelon. There are also functionaries of as many as seven parties of Gruevski’s coalition that have been created by the secret services in the past. Every government extracted documents from those files that we are now going to see in the media,” Bacev says.

In his view, it is for this reason that is it normal for VMRO-DPMNE to agree to lustration compromises.

Bacev says that all documents about the collaborators that informed on people from Macedonia are in the Archive of the Security and Counter-intelligence Office in Skopje. The alleged files concerning functionaries of BDI should be looked for in Belgrade because they informed on people from Kosovo and operated in that territory. As Bacev explains, in addition to the federal service UDBA, every republic had its separate service and they all had a joint center in Belgrade yet they kept the files in their own archives.

The lustration commission decided at its Monday meeting to reject the files “Mom” and “Uncle” concerning the functionaries of BDI, Musa Xhaferi and Fazli Veliu, provided by Professor Shpend Lusi from the State Tetovo University.

According to the explanation of the commission, the documents were photocopies and therefore cannot be treated as official documents. The commission received information from the relevant authorities responsible to assist the commission’s work that there were no originals in their documentation about the people whose names are mentioned in the files.

The Security and Counter-intelligence Office replied to the commission Thursday that these files were not in compliance with the standards of work of the services.