admin1 – November 12, 2010 – 1:49pm

Macedonia’s contribution to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan is going to remain the same. There are no announcements that the Macedonian contingents would expand again. Although formally out of NATO, Macedonia remains to be a loyal and active exporter of security side by side with all NATO member states. This is at the same time the main argument why the country should join the Alliance as soon as possible. President Ivanov said in the base in Kabul that the Macedonian peacekeepers were the true image of the Macedonian army, Vecer reports.

Although we are not yet a member of NATO, we demonstrate here that we meet all responsibilities and act as all NATO member states do. Macedonia should be proud of our troops’ contribution to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan because they are representing in the best possible way all the reforms in our army and show where the preparations for our full-fledged membership of NATO stand,” President Ivanov said.

The main focus of the ISAF mission, besides the security aspect, is now directed toward building Afghanistan’s democratic and social capacities. President Ivanov discussed the situation in Afghanistan with the civil representative of NATO, Mark Sedwill, and ISAF commander David Petraeus. Mr. Sedwill briefed Ivanov on the achievements and contribution of the Macedonian troops in the ISAF mission, expressing content and highlighting their professionalism and dedication in the execution of tasks. Macedonia’s contribution to ISAF, the progress in the process of transition, the democratic processes in Afghanistan and the building of the capacities of the Afghan security forces were also tabled.

“Our soldiers fulfill all their duties in a professional manner. They are respected by their colleagues as well as by the locals. Although we are a small country, in this was we contribute to the stabilization of one part of the world,” the Macedonian president said.

The Macedonian peacekeepers have no major problems for now. Also, they succeeded in ensuring that Macedonia’s constitutional name is used in their communication with the command. However, they demand setting up of a national element of support that will lead to stronger and faster logistics from the country. At the moment Macedonia has 242 soldiers in ISAF, deployed in four contingents. Over 1,500 soldiers have so far taken part in the mission.