NATO ship RFA Fort Victoria tracks and disrupts pirate vessel
admin1 – November 30, 2010 – 1:13pm

London, 30 November, 2010: Yesterday, the UK ship RFA Fort Victoria currently part of NATO’s counter piracy mission, Operation Ocean Shield successfully disrupted a skiff while patrolling off the coast of Somalia.

Late on Sunday afternoon, Fort Victoria’s helicopter identified a whaler anchored offshore near Hobyo, fully loaded with fuel and with pirates on board ready to leave. As darkness fell RFA Fort Victoria, her helicopter and Royal Marines boarding teams from the Fleet Protection Group shadowed the pirate vessel as it transited due east from the shore.

As Fort Victoria’s appeared out of the blackness, the Marines quickly surrounded the pirate whaler which was now towing two smaller vessels, supported by the helicopter’s sniper team.
The pirates capitulated immediately, throwing their weapons into the sea, before being temporarily detained on RFA Fort Victoria.  After 24 hours onboard, the pirates were let ashore off the Somali coastline.
Captain Rob Dorey, Commanding Officer of RFA Fort Victoria said “the pirates have changed their tactics in light of our patrols but we have been able to detect and destroy their equipment and have prevented further piracy attacks.”

Allied Maritime
Command Headquarters Northwood