admin1 – December 10, 2010 – 10:56am

Today, we are celebrating Human Rights Day, which, this year, is dedicated to the human rights defenders working to stop discrimination. My thoughts are with these courageous and valiant people all throughout the world who stand in defence of the oppressed, discriminated and marginalized, for everyone has the right to enjoy all human rights. To defend justice, to speak publicly of human rights violations, as well as to demand accountability for government actions, sometimes implies putting one’s own life or the lives of the closest ones in peril.

Therefore, I would like to pay tribute to those human rights defenders who persist in their noble mission in spite of such personal sacrifices. Their example not only inspires us, but also obliges us all to defend the discriminated, for, we are thus defending ourselves and we are fulfilling our duty as human beings.         

Overcoming discrimination was one of the commitments of the Republic of Macedonia during its Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers which ended on November 10. Fostering integration by respecting diversity was our priority as the Chair of this decision-making body of the Council of Europe. However, this is a priority we are permanently committed to in our everyday activities, due to the fact that the integration of national minorities, particularly the Roma, people with disabilities, women, as well as marginalized groups, is necessary to ensure the cohesion and the progress of our societies. Representatives of the non-governmental sector were included in our most important discussions on human rights, as well as in the numerous events which took place in the Republic of Macedonia during the Macedonian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers.               

We continue our collaboration with the defenders of human rights. We will spare no time and effort to support their mission in order to build a world free of discrimination, in which everyone will enjoy all human rights.    
Skopje, 10 December 2010