admin1 – December 15, 2010 – 1:56pm
ivanov obrakanje

The membership of NATO and the EU is our strategic commitment and there is no sustainable alternative for Macedonia. This path is obstructed by the name issue crated by Greece and we are prepared to bridge the differences in a European manner but without changing the Macedonian identity, language and Constitution, President Ivanov said in his annual address in the Macedonian Parliament Tuesday.

“We are citizens of a European country and demand of Greece, as an EU member state, to treat as in a European manner. Therefore, I say once again that it is unacceptable to discuss a solution that affects the Macedonian identity, language and Constitution as a guardian of our country’s sovereignty and our national dignity. I would like to emphasize that as long as I am president of the Republic of Macedonia I will not allow it,” President Ivanov said.

On the other hand, he said the Macedonian state leadership had never had a clearer stance about the intensification of the Macedonia-Greece dialogue and search for a mutually acceptable solution. The president said he took into consideration the positions of all political parties in Macedonia including those of the opposition and built the state policy in regard to this issue accordingly. In his view, a responsibility of every relevant politician is not to abuse the name issue in the context of Macedonia’s integration with the EU and NATO.

“People should not be divided. It is true that the daily politics as regards this issue inside the country is doing us some harm. However, I wish to stress that the main reason why a solution has not yet been found is certain Greek politicians rather than the politicians in Macedonia,” President Ivanov said.

The head of state also said he had been working hard to rectify the misbalanced approach to the presentation of the Macedonian truth about the imposed name dispute. He also added that more world leaders expressed understanding for Macedonia’s position in their meetings with him than it is thought.

According to Ivanov, the rounding off of the process of implementation of the Framework Agreement remains to be one of Macedonia’s top priorities. The activities being taken in this regard focus on promoting further the process of decentralization, the use of the language of the minority ethnic groups, the equitable representation of all ethnic groups, etc.

President Ivanov addressed also the issue of regional cooperation, underlining that the relations with all neighbors progressed and the region lived today in the spirit of reconciliation, stability and prosperity.