admin1 – December 22, 2010 – 2:47pm

At the meeting of the Macedonian-Russian commission for trade, economic and scientific cooperation chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, Macedonia launched the initiative for concluding a free trade agreement with the Russian Federation.

The agreement, as stated in the announcement, is expected to raise the Macedonian export, especially of wine, fruit and vegetables. The Russian response is expected to come soon.

Raising the quantities of gas that Russia provides for Macedonia within the framework of the project for building a gas supply network was tabled at the meeting too. It was agreed that operation teams from both countries should start developing the project for a part of the gas supply network to be funded with the clearing debt.

Both parties said they were pleased by the increased number of Russian tourists in Macedonia in 2010. Next year over 1,000 Russia tourists are expected to visit Macedonia. To this effect, 12 charter flights from Russia are being planned that will contribute to fostering the air connections between the two countries.

At the meeting of the mixed commission, Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski signed the agreement on trade, economic, scientific and cultural cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Moscow Region of the Russian Federation that will raise the export of Macedonian products and boost foreign investments.