admin1 – December 23, 2010 – 3:27pm

The reforms in the country are going to be the best allies in our Euro-Atlantic integration, which is going to be our top priority in 2011 too, Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki said. This is the main conclusion of the Wednesday meeting of VMRO-DPMNE leader and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski with the leaders of the parties of the coalition “For Better Macedonia”.

“The intensity of reforms is going to rise particularly in the public administration in order to have a more efficient and more competent service. This is an important reform and therefore all those making statements about it should be careful,” Minister Milososki said.

According to unconfirmed information, it was said at the meeting that these reforms would not mean that massive redundancies in the administration could be expected.

Minister Milososki stressed that the dialogue with Greece would continue in order the resolve the name issue in which “not everything depends on us”. As for the coming census, the coalition partners argued that it be taken objectively and efficiently. The parties of the Roma and Turkish ethnic communities called for measures so that the members of these ethnic groups do not report themselves as members of the Albanian ethnic group.