admin1 – December 28, 2010 – 2:39pm

BDI leader Ahmeti is touring municipalities and meeting citizens. The meetings started last week and, according to BDI’s plans, will continue in the future too, Nova Makedonija reports.

Party sources says that Ahmeti’s intention is to persuade citizens not to boycott the census in April as advocated by the other Albanian parties, especially Imer Selmani’s Demokracia e Re.

The name issue is the second matter that BDI leader Ahmeti addresses in the meetings. He is explaining to the citizens that BDI is giving new ideas, such as the latest proposal for seeking assistance from mediators from the USA, NATO and the EU, thus wishing to contribute to the resolution of the dispute with Greece. According to party sources, Ahmeti’s intention is to dispel the impression of the Albanian electorate that BDI only sits in the Government doing nothing to keep its pre-election promise for faster Euro-Atlantic integration of Macedonia.