admin1 – December 29, 2010 – 1:27pm

SDSM, the biggest opposition political party, brought the charges against Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska and Public Revenue Office Director Goran Trajkovski, which SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski announced last week, with the basic public prosecution Tuesday.

The charges have been filed for abuse of official powers and pertain to the scandal with the large amount of money found with the driver of the company Media Print Macedonia and the affair of paying for party advertisements with state money.

“The first two criminal charges refer to the scandal with the 750,000 euros found with the driver of Media Print Macedonia and the other two criminal charges refer to the accusations that party advertisements of VMRO-DPMNE were paid for with budget funds,” said Boris Kondarko, chief of the legal team of SDSM.

In his view, Jankuloska and Trajkovski, by not taking action concerning the cases that fall under their authorization, prevented the truth concerning possible crimes of tax evasion and money laundering to be brought to light.

“This is a serious challenge for the rule of law and the institutions to demonstrate professionalism. The criminal charges are about legal matters substantiated with arguments and facts,” Kondarko stressed.