admin1 – January 13, 2011 – 1:50pm

The collaborators of the secret services that informed on other people for ideological and other reasons, as well as for personal gain will not be looked for solely among incumbent functionaries. The lustration committee is also going to investigate former functionaries that are still alive and do not fill any public office. The MPs of ruling VMRO-DPMNE and BDI drafted the modifications to the lustration law announced three months ago, Nova Makedonija reports.

In addition to the retroactive effect of the lustration law the government retained the position to extend the period subject to lustration to the present day.

The earlier version of the law, some of whose provisions were annulled by the Constitutional Court, stipulated that the process should pertain only to the period before 1991. The modifications determine only the starting date of the lustration process.

“Because there is no limit, that is to say an ending date, the lustration will be carried out from 2 August 1944 and as long as the law is in effect,” Silvana Boneva, coordinator of the parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE and signatory of the modifications, said.

Basically that would mean that the lustration would take eight more years as long as the lustration committee exists.