admin1 – January 24, 2011 – 3:12pm

The governing coalition in Macedonia is not concerned by a possible spillover of the Albanian crisis into Macedonia. BDI leader Ali Ahmeti believes it is everyone’s democratic right to protest yet this must not turn into violence. Deputy Prime Minister Abdulakim Ademi, also from BDI, is concerned by the situation in Albania but told Lajm he did not believe it would get out of hand. Asked whether the crisis in Albania would have an impact on Macedonia or spill over, Prime Minister Gruevski said he did not expect that for he saw no reason in Macedonia.

Opposition SDSM warned that the crisis may spill over from Albania to Macedonia if PM Gruevski’s regime continues to violate human rights and liberties and to threaten and pressurize independent media, the civic sector, the judiciary and the non-like-minded. SDSM sources, which Vreme spoke to, say that the Albanian scenario and massive and violent demonstrations against the government may happen to Macedonia as well because of the grave economic situation in the country.

Professor Jove Kekenovski believes that the opposition can use and channelize the discontent of the lowest social strata and the marginalized vulnerable groups. The opposition, he goes on, had said on several occasions it would back all protests and demonstrations and has in fact done so in the past few months.

Experts Albert Musliu and Mersel Bilali believe that there is a critical mass in Macedonia that may instigate events such as those in Albania. In their view, one in three Macedonian citizens is poor, which is more than enough for violent demonstrations.

On the other hand, political expert Vladimir Bozinovski believes the social situation is stable and there is no reason for unrests such as those in Albania.

In the meantime, A1 television is commencing a broad campaign across the country seeking support from the citizens in its fight for survival and defense against the government’s dictatorship.