admin1 – January 27, 2011 – 12:29pm

MFA 2011

Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki expects his coming meeting with Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas in Budva, Montenegro, to help shatter the feeling and suspicion that the talks are being marginalized and the dialogue concerning the name between the two countries to continue, Vecer reports.

In an interview with Radio free Europe, Minister Milososki said that the Friday meeting would be yet another opportunity for both parties to reaffirm once again their support for mediator Matthew Nimetz and the process being carried out under UN auspices.

“We expect this meeting to be an opportunity for both parties to reaffirm once again their support for Mr. Nimetz and the process being conducted at the UN to remove the feeling and suspicion that someone wishes deliberately or inadvertently to marginalize the process at the UN. To this effect, we summoned Ambassador Jolevski to consultations so that he can share views with the state leadership and present the Macedonian position better before the mediator,” he said.

Minister Milososki did not reveal in his interview what instructions would be given to Jolevski, pointing out however that they will be in the service of continuation of the dialogue.

“The instructions will aim to ensure that the dialogue continues in order to foster trust between the parties considering that increased trust may be one of the conditions for bridging of the differences and seeking out a solution to this bilateral Greek-Macedonian dispute,” Minister Milososki said.

He also said that apart from the name issue, he expected to discuss with his Greek counterpart the economic cooperation and the opening of new border crossings.