admin1 – February 14, 2011 – 9:39am

Eight persons have been injured in a clash between two groups on Sunday at the Skopje Fortress, where a museum-church is under construction. The participants threw rocks, sticks, while the police tried to prevent a larger incident. Over the weekend, an initiative for support of the construction of the museum-church appeared. Several Albanian nongovernmental organizations scheduled a press-conference on the Fortress at almost the same time – 13:00.

VMRO-DPMNE and BDI condemned Sunday’s incident at the Skopje Fortress and will together insist on preventing this isolated event from escalating.

The European Union Delegation Office in Skopje announced that violence cannot be a response to existing problems and fully supported the joint statement of coalition partners VMRO-DPMNE and BDI.

The US Embassy in Macedonia calls on both involved parties to remain calm after the Sunday's incident at Skopje Fortress and called on all involved parties to seek solution via peaceful and constructive dialogue. 

SDSM assessed that the incident at Skopje’s Fortress is yet another confirmation that PM Gruevski is unable to manage the interethnic relations.