admin1 – February 15, 2011 – 2:55pm

The political parties and the non-governmental organizations appealed Wednesday for easing of tension following the bloody incident at the Kale in Skopje on Sunday. At the same time, the opposition accused the government of being directly responsible for the political crisis and for the aggravated interethnic and inter-religious relations and demanded that the director of the Office for Protection of the Cultural Heritage, Pasko Kuzman, Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska and Deputy Interior Minister Xhevad Buci be dismissed.

“Gruevski and Jankulovska disgraced the police and made them appear unorganized and chaotic. BDI and Buci misused the institutions because they participated in the tearing down of the museum-church and took handcuffs off detainees. Gruevski and Pasko Kuzman hypocritically pledged to stop the construction while continuing it secretly at night. You and your partners in the Government bear the entire responsibility,” said Gordan Georgiev, vice president of SDSM.

LDP president Jovan Manasijevski believes that the Government is responsible for the incident at the Kale as well.

“The key problem is that VMRO-DPMNE and BDI play games on a very dangerous ground and push the country into a crisis. They are incapable of solving problems and when you allow extremists to fight in streets it is clear that you have no control of the situation,” he said.

Goran Misovski from NSDP believes the incident at the Kale was a carefully planned scenario of VMRO-DPMNE and BDI.

Demokracia e Re asked again that the construction of the buildings of the project Skopje 2014 and the museum-church at the Kale stop and that Pasko Kuzman be dismissed.

VMRO-DPMNE regrets that SDSM failed to surpass itself and is grossly taking advantage of the incident.
“We appealed for sense and clam a few times. Instead, SDSM decided to put their party interest above the interest of the country and the citizens. SDSM has shown many times in the past 20 years that the only things they know about interethnic relations is how to misuse them for their own political benefit,” the press release says.

Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski appealed that the events at the Kale be resolved institutionally.